The Retrowash™ is specifically designed to enable the surgeon to conduct an intra-operative colonoscopy and/or intra-operative preparation of the colon. Recent studies indicate 46% of large bowel obstruction patients have polyps or secondary tumors in the proximal colon¹. In the vast majority of cases, these would not be identified until follow-up 6 months after the initial surgery.
Use of the Retrowash™ makes it possible for the surgeon to visualize the proximal colon in all these patients at the time of surgery.
Furthermore, the Retrowash™ gives the surgeon the opportunity to NOT administer pre-op to elective patients and still operate on a clean colon, thereby taking advantage of the growing evidence that patients who do NOT receive pre-op bowel prep fare better than those that do². This may be particularly relevant in patients requiring a loop ileostomy.
- Easy to use, effecting a rapid, clean and odourless washout, facilitating primary anastomosis.
- 10-15 minutes average washout time.
- No second incision required at appendix.
- No leakage or soiling.
- Sealed collection unit.
- Enables on-table colonoscopy.
- Two sizes (35mm or 46mm diameter).
Download the product brochure here:
Download the illustration of use sheet here: